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The Blue Roof Co-op administration fees: $10 website fee per family and around $35 admin fee per student. This covers co-op administration and website fees as well as things like office and cleaning supplies, insurance, Church rental, etc. 

Course fees will vary depending on the course and instructor and are listed in the couse descriptions. There may be an additional materials fee per course.

How to Pay

1. Course fees will be collected by Blue Roof on a specified date at PBC ( TBD). If payment has not been made by this time, you may be dropped from the course.

2. We currently can only accept checks or cash. All checks must be made out directly to the tutor. One check per tutor. You can see your invoice and the total amount due per tutor by selecting "Balance" in the top right hand corner of the website. Registration and website fee checks are to be made out to "Blue Roof Co-op" in one check.

3. We strongly encourage the use of checks, but all cash must be exact change per tutor. Once payment has been made, there can be no refunds.

We are 100% run by volunteers, and this makes registration much easier for them.


Fall 2024 class registration will open for six days in May. Registration opens for teachers and volunteers first, then all other Families. Registration opens at 9am for each group.